Author: Tomorrow Team

Krispy Shorts on Vespa

In Bed With Krispy Shorts

James Ryan Ohliger first started making videos for his high school girlfriends, but it wasn’t until after completing a finance degree at Boston College and a few unfulfilling years in the consulting world that he decided to turn his love for video into a career. Within a year, his goofy […]

Pari Ehsan

In Bed With Pari Ehsan

Pierre Paulin and Marni. Thomas Houseago and Simone Rocha. Philip Taaffe and Alexander McQueen. These pairs may not sound intuitive but for Pari Ehsan, it couldn’t be clearer. Museum masterpieces and designer fashion fuse seamlessly in her mind. It all started when Ehsan noticed her fur jacket perfectly complimented the […]


Redefining Wellness,
Starting with Sleep

The definition of health is ever-changing. What once boiled down to “an apple a day” evolved into the food pyramid and a mantra about diet and exercise. We’ve since learned that that the principles of holistic health are more involved. We’ve become cognizant about where our food comes from, how […]

open ocean and waves representing loneliness and far

How to Overcome the Fear of Sleeping Alone

It’s a classic horror movie scene: A masked lunatic slips through the bedroom window and attacks an unsuspecting victim while they’re asleep. When we sleep, we are at our most vulnerable, without any defenses ready or time to react. For many women, in particular, the idea of a relaxing night […]

Kirsty Godso

In Bed With Nike Master Trainer Kirsty Godso

She customizes kick-ass workouts on the Nike Training app, hosts high intensity training courses with Project By Equinox, and maintains an insanely popular Instagram account; but New Zealand-born Kirsty Godso didn’t find her footing right away. While pursuing a double major in finance and marketing, Godso quickly noticed her workout […]


In Bed With Katie Sturino

Publicist Katie Sturino knew it the moment she saw Toast’s toothless grin and curly red hair: this Cavalier King Charles Spaniel rescue was destined for greatness. You might think playing Kris Jenner (a.k.a. “momager”) to her family of three adorable pups (Toast, Muppets, and Underpants) would keep her busy enough, […]